Contact us Monday to Friday 9-5pm
03 9654 8644
[email protected]

DDLS Membership

By becoming a DDLS member, you are supporting equal treatment for people with a disability.   DDLS provides free legal services to often vulnerable community members and advocates for better laws and policies to ensure equality for all.  DDLS  membership is open to anyone who is committed to our aims and objectives , and it’s free of charge.

As a member, you will receive the DDLS quarterly newsletter ‘The Advocate’, the DDLS Annual Report and a copy of the DDLS Constitution (on request). You will be able to attend and vote at the Annual General Meeting, participate in the planning, evaluation and other activities of the Service and nominate for a position on the Management Committee.

But most of all, you will be showing your support for the important work of the Disability Discrimination Legal Service.

The membership  membership App Form is available for download or by contacting the DDLS office. Audio recordings and alternative applications are also welcomed.