Access to our office: The main Ross House lift to the 2nd floor or you can access our office via the stairs.
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The Disability Discrimination Legal Service Inc (DDLS) is a statewide independent community legal centre that specialises in disability discrimination legal matters and sexual harassment of women with disabilities.
We provide free legal services in several areas including:
- Information
- Referral
- Advice
- Casework assistance
- Community Legal Education
- Policy and Law reform
Eligibility Criteria
To receive services from DDLS, a person or party must be:
- A Victorian resident
- A person with a disability or their advocate, associate or parent
- A representative body of people with disabilities
- Experiencing (or have experienced in the past) discrimination on the basis of their disability
- A person identifying as being female in relation to our sexual harassment in the workplace services.
- Not an employee, volunteer, or management committee member of DDLS
- Not possessing any qualities which may pertain to a Conflict of Interest
- In agreement with the aims and philosophy of the Service
Any person not fitting these criteria may be referred to an appropriate alternative source of assistance if possible.
In addition to the above, persons seeking Casework assistance must have a disability discrimination complaint fitting the Criteria for Casework Assistance.
Criteria for Casework assistance
Once a client has informed the Solicitor that they wish to lodge a complaint under the DDA, Fair Work Act or EOA, the Solicitor must judge the complaint according to DDLS criteria to determine whether or not DDLS can offer the client casework assistance. Criteria are as follows:
- The legal merits of the case;
- The resources available at DDLS to undertake the case;
Clients of the DDLS receive an information pack about the DDLS in relation to the services it offers its clients.
Client Information Pack:
The following information can be found in the Client Information Pack:
- About the DDLS;
- Casework selection criteria;
- Casework priority and resource balancing; and
- How to complain about the DDLS Service.
Available now for download: Client Information Pack (word).
Feedback about our services can also be given here.
Contact our office during business hours to arrange a phone advice appointment. Face-to-face appointments can be arranged if necessary.
The DDLS works actively towards the eradication of disability discrimination and facilitates and promotes justice for people with disabilities through community legal education sessions to professional and community groups to raise disability awareness and provide information on the Disability Discrimination Act 1992 (Cth), Fair Work Act 2009 (Cth) and the Equal Opportunity Act 2010 (Vic).
We also undertake community development research projects to investigate and challenge current social, economic and legislative issues affecting people with disabilities in the community.
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