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Reasonable adjustments

What are reasonable adjustments?

  • ‘Reasonable Adjustments’ are actions taken to ensure education/services/employment for a person with a disability is equal to others

Examples of reasonable adjustments in education might include:

  • a scribe/note taker
  • a piece of equipment
  • a software program
  • allowing someone to complete an assessment in writing or through a video rather than orally

Examples of reasonable adjustments in employment might include:

  • a piece of equipment (e.g. adjustable desk)
  • a software program (e.g. to assist someone with a vision impairment use the computer)
  • an Auslan interpreter for meetings
  • flexible working hours

Examples of reasonable adjustments in providing goods or services might include:

  • the purchase of a portable ramp to enable people with mobility problems to get in the front door of the shop
  • rearranging furniture to ensure there is enough space for a person in a wheelchair to easily navigate
  • reading out a menu to a person with a vision impairment in a restaurant