Contact us Monday to Friday 9-5pm
03 9654 8644

About us

About us

Access to our office:

The Disability Discrimination Legal Service is on site

The best way to contact us is by email at  

DDLS relies on government funding in order to provide services to the community. We appreciate any additional financial assistance offered. If you wish to donate to contribute to our services, please contact or the Administration Officer on 9654-8644.  All donations are tax-deductible.


You can donate online using the link below

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The Disability Discrimination Legal Service Inc (DDLS) is a statewide independent community legal centre that specialises in disability discrimination legal matters, and sexual harassment of women with disabilities in the workplace. We provide free legal services in several areas including information, referral, advice, casework assistance, community legal education, and policy and law reform.

The DDLS works actively towards the eradication of disability discrimination and facilitates and promotes justice for people with disabilities through community legal education sessions to professional and community groups to raise disability awareness and provide information on the Disability Discrimination Act 1992 (Cth) and the Equal Opportunity Act 2010 (Vic).

We also undertake community development research projects to investigate and challenge current social, economic and legislative issues affecting people with disabilities in the community.

In addition to the resources here, see our Publications and Law Reform pages for more information on DDLS’s work.

See our Disability Statement

See our Diversity & Inclusion Policy

See our 2024-2027 Strategic Plan DDLS STRATEGIC PLAN 2024-2027